Featured Story #33 | ADOLESCENT CONTENT

When Hope started her career in the creative market, she had already imagined herself creating change in the industry. And that’s how Adolescent Content was born. Founded in 2013 by Hope Farley and Ramaa Mosley, Adolescent has a network for 5000+ creatives in 20 different countries that work on research/insights, creative strategy, content production and media distribution. They represent and nurture young talent; functioning as a traditional ad agency, production company as well as a think tank for brands and advertising agencies. All the content in the digital platform is made for GenZ by GenZ.

In this month’s Features Story we spoke with Hope about female leadership and diversity in the creative market, and accomplishments and challenges for equality.

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[Podcast] EP#18. Maurício Magaldi

Se o futuro tem cada vez mais cara de metaverso e realidade virtual, um componente chave para tudo isso acontecer é a tecnologia blockchain.

No 18º episódio do B IS THE NEW A – The Podcast, Daniel Prianti e Felipe Gracias conversaram com o Maurício Magaldi, Diretor de Estratégia Global da 11:FS, sobre seus conhecimentos em liderança de pensamento do mercado blockchain e transformação digital.

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Featured Story #32 | GOMA

When Rudah Ribeiro – a creative strategist based in New York – confided to a few close friends that he was thinking about quitting his job a Nike (which, by the way, many would consider a dream job) they thought it was an insane idea.

His duties at the American giant spanned South Korea, Mexico and Brazil, and mostly New York, which for over four years he was tasked with connecting with local cultures and overseeing projects that most people would dub cultural marketing.  

In early 2020 Rudah took a leap of faith and founded GOMA, a global multidisciplinary creative studio “at the crossroad of culture” – according to his own words – aiming to help brands connect with local cultures.

In this month’s Features Story we spoke with Rudah about what GOMA brings to the table, culture, creativity and much more.

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Featured Story #31 | InPulse

As BPool advances in its regional expansion, the long-awaited North American market is the next big thing. It is the largest advertising market in the world in terms of investment and one of the largest in terms of number of players (USD 240 billion and around 40 thousand companies, respectively, according to the Statista website).

If the numbers above aren’t enough to make you curious about the American market, here’s another piece of data that might catch your attention: in Uncle Sam’s land, one in three advertisers plans to switch agencies in the near future, according to Setup.

But what do these numbers say about the American market? And what to do about it?

In this month’s Featured Story, we spoke with Diego Prusky, CEO of InPulse Digital, who has been in the US for nearly 20 years and is well aware of local challenges. Check it out!

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O que esperar do mercado de comunicação em 2022?

Recentemente o time de conteúdo da BPool me deu essa tarefa: escrever palpites para o mercado de comunicação em 2022. Senti minhas mãos suando, confesso.  

“Preciso ligar pro Tiago Mattos” pensei. Tiago foi o convidado no EP#11 do B IS THE NEW A, podcast da BPool, e é especialista em Futures Literacy (letramento de futuros). Naquele episódio o Tiago nos deu uma aula sobre futuros. “Sim, no plural”, lembro dele ressaltar essa parte. Segundo o Tiago, a gente pode imaginar e antecipar futuros que já estão sendo – ainda que em diferentes etapas – construídos agora. E são N possibilidades. 

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[Podcast] EP#17. Pyr Marcondes

A tecnologia é o driver do marketing atual. Se há alguns anos o marketing clássico tinha a TV e o rádio como seus aliados, hoje, ele precisa do suporte digital para gerar impacto e atrair clientes, já que quase todos eles estão conectados.

No 17º episódio do B IS THE NEW A – The Podcast, Davi Cury e Beto Sirotsky conversaram com o Pyr Marcondes, jornalista, marketeiro e escritor, sobre seus conhecimentos e o papel da tecnologia na indústria da comunicação digital.

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A pergunta que temos que responder

Todo fim de ano, começa um processo de reflexão sobre o ano que passou e o outro que iniciará. Seja no âmbito pessoal ou profissional. Durante mais de 10 anos, liderei uma agência que nasceu de performance, cresceu em comunicação digital e depois foi incorporada por uma agência full. Nesta época do ano, eu sempre me questionava:

  • Qual é o meu principal objetivo pro próximo ano em uma frase?
  • O que eu não vou admitir?
  • Meu dia-a-dia tem sido bom?
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